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Mark E. Lanzieri, MD, FACC, FSCAI

Cardiac catheterization from radial artery access is observed to cause increased heart rate via oversensing in ipsilateral rate adaptive pacemaker. The mechanism of this phenomenon is discussed.
Cardiac catheterization from radial artery access is observed to cause increased heart rate via oversensing in ipsilateral rate adaptive pacemaker. The mechanism of this phenomenon is discussed.
Cardiac catheterization from...
Journal of Invasive Cardiology
Beyond Borders
[F]or many people, this is life changing, whether it is a single-chamber pacemaker, a stent, or simply something that allows them to go back to work or keeps them out of the hospital. They have been very happy with the services we offer and...
[F]or many people, this is life changing, whether it is a single-chamber pacemaker, a stent, or simply something that allows them to go back to work or keeps them out of the hospital. They have been very happy with the services we offer and...
[F]or many people, this is life...
Cath Lab Digest