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David S. Chang, MD, PhD, MPH, MBA

Case Report
Spontaneous rupture of a saphenous vein graft with pseudoaneurysm formation is a rare occurrence after coronary bypass grafting. Until now, pseudoaneurysm formation from a native coronary artery at the site of a left internal thoracic to...
Spontaneous rupture of a saphenous vein graft with pseudoaneurysm formation is a rare occurrence after coronary bypass grafting. Until now, pseudoaneurysm formation from a native coronary artery at the site of a left internal thoracic to...
Spontaneous rupture of a...
Journal of Invasive Cardiology
Literature Review
Surgical Treatment Options for Subacute Ischemia of the Hand: Case Report and Literature Review Ashley A. Dunn, BA, Kyle A. Belek, MD, Zlatko Devcic, BS, Samira Rathnayake, BS, Jennifer H. Kuo, MD, Mauricio Kuri, MD, David S....
Surgical Treatment Options for Subacute Ischemia of the Hand: Case Report and Literature Review Ashley A. Dunn, BA, Kyle A. Belek, MD, Zlatko Devcic, BS, Samira Rathnayake, BS, Jennifer H. Kuo, MD, Mauricio Kuri, MD, David S....
Surgical Treatment Options...
Do Preexisting Abdominal Scars Threaten Wound Healing in Abdominoplasty?
Do Preexisting Abdominal Scars Threaten Wound Healing in Abdominoplasty? Michele A. Shermak, MD, Jessie Mallalieu, PA-C, and David Chang, PhD, MPH, MBA The Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions, Division of Plastic Surgery and...
Do Preexisting Abdominal Scars Threaten Wound Healing in Abdominoplasty? Michele A. Shermak, MD, Jessie Mallalieu, PA-C, and David Chang, PhD, MPH, MBA The Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions, Division of Plastic Surgery and...
Do Preexisting Abdominal...