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Alexander Margulis, MD

Occurrence and Characteristics of Head Cysts in Children
Occurrence and Characteristics of Head Cysts in Children Noam Armon, MD,a Sivan Shamay, MDb Alexander Maly, MDc and Alexander Margulis, MDa aDepartment of Plastic Surgery, Hadassah Medical Center, Jerusalem, Israel; bDepartment...
Occurrence and Characteristics of Head Cysts in Children Noam Armon, MD,a Sivan Shamay, MDb Alexander Maly, MDc and Alexander Margulis, MDa aDepartment of Plastic Surgery, Hadassah Medical Center, Jerusalem, Israel; bDepartment...
Occurrence and...
Infection of Tissue Expander With Candida Parapsilosis
Infection of Tissue Expander With Candida Parapsilosis Eran Lavi, MD, Allan Billig, MD, Dalit Amar, MD, Rami Neuman, MD, Alex Margulis, MD, and Tomer Tzur, MD Department of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Hadassah Medical...
Infection of Tissue Expander With Candida Parapsilosis Eran Lavi, MD, Allan Billig, MD, Dalit Amar, MD, Rami Neuman, MD, Alex Margulis, MD, and Tomer Tzur, MD Department of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Hadassah Medical...
Infection of Tissue...
Congenital Desmoid Tumor of the Cheek: A Clinicopathological Case Report
Congenital Desmoid Tumor of the Cheek: A Clinicopathological Case Report Amar Dalit, MD,a Meir Karen, MD,b and Margulis Alexander, MDa aDepartment of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Hadassah Medical Organization, Jerusalem,...
Congenital Desmoid Tumor of the Cheek: A Clinicopathological Case Report Amar Dalit, MD,a Meir Karen, MD,b and Margulis Alexander, MDa aDepartment of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Hadassah Medical Organization, Jerusalem,...
Congenital Desmoid Tumor...