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Sunil Dhar, MD

Case Report
Iatrogenic AV fistulas result from penetration of a needle through an arterial and venous tributary during angiographic catheterization procedures. Rarely, when the communication between the artery and vein does not seal spontaneously, an AV...
Iatrogenic AV fistulas result from penetration of a needle through an arterial and venous tributary during angiographic catheterization procedures. Rarely, when the communication between the artery and vein does not seal spontaneously, an AV...
Iatrogenic AV fistulas result...
Cath Lab Digest
Atypical Presentation of COVID-19 with Complete Heart Block
Cover Story
With the increasing number of confirmed cases and accumulating clinical data, the cardiac manifestations induced by COVID-19 have generated great concern.
With the increasing number of confirmed cases and accumulating clinical data, the cardiac manifestations induced by COVID-19 have generated great concern.
With the increasing number of...
EP Lab Digest
Acute ischemic stroke during or after cardiac catheterization or percutaneous cardiac intervention (PCI) is a rare but catastrophic complication with significant morbidity and mortality. Stroke occurs in 0.05-0.10% of diagnostic...
Acute ischemic stroke during or after cardiac catheterization or percutaneous cardiac intervention (PCI) is a rare but catastrophic complication with significant morbidity and mortality. Stroke occurs in 0.05-0.10% of diagnostic...
Acute ischemic stroke during or...
Cath Lab Digest