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Duncan Angus McGrouther, MD, FRCS, MBBS

RAC Activity in Keloid Disease
RAC Activity in Keloid DiseaseComparative Analysis of Fibroblasts from Margin of Keloid to its Surrounding Normal Skin Erik Witt, BSc,a,b Angeliki Maliri, BSc, PhD,c Duncan Angus McGrouther, MD, FRCS,b and Ardeshir Bayat*, PhD,...
RAC Activity in Keloid DiseaseComparative Analysis of Fibroblasts from Margin of Keloid to its Surrounding Normal Skin Erik Witt, BSc,a,b Angeliki Maliri, BSc, PhD,c Duncan Angus McGrouther, MD, FRCS,b and Ardeshir Bayat*, PhD,...
RAC Activity in Keloid...
Identification of novel keloid biomarkers through Profiling of Tissue Biopsies versus Cell Cultures in Keloid Margin specimens Compared to adjacent Normal Skin Barbara Shih, BSc, MSc,a Duncan Angus McGrouther, MBBS, FRCS, MD,b and...
Identification of novel keloid biomarkers through Profiling of Tissue Biopsies versus Cell Cultures in Keloid Margin specimens Compared to adjacent Normal Skin Barbara Shih, BSc, MSc,a Duncan Angus McGrouther, MBBS, FRCS, MD,b and...
Identification of novel...