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Dilschad Murat, MD

Radiation Safety
Radiation protection is essential for staff of cardiac catheterization laboratories in order to prevent long-term radiation-associated injury and disease. Instant feedback about the actual received dose may help operators to optimize the use...
Radiation protection is essential for staff of cardiac catheterization laboratories in order to prevent long-term radiation-associated injury and disease. Instant feedback about the actual received dose may help operators to optimize the use...
Radiation protection is...
Cath Lab Digest
Effects of Real-Time Dosimetry on Staff Radiation Exposure in the Cardiac Catheterization Laboratory
Instant feedback about the actual radiation dose received may help operators optimize the use of existing shielding devices. The current study was designed to investigate whether routine use of real-time dosimetry may be able to reduce staff...
Instant feedback about the actual radiation dose received may help operators optimize the use of existing shielding devices. The current study was designed to investigate whether routine use of real-time dosimetry may be able to reduce staff...
Instant feedback about the...
Journal of Invasive Cardiology