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Robert Simari, MD

IAGS (International Andreas Gruentzig Society) Proceedings
Robert Simari, MD: I appreciate this opportunity to present some general insights into the fields of gene and cell therapy, both from a perspective as an experimental biologist, as a clinician as well as from a regulatory perspective to see...
Robert Simari, MD: I appreciate this opportunity to present some general insights into the fields of gene and cell therapy, both from a perspective as an experimental biologist, as a clinician as well as from a regulatory perspective to see...
Robert Simari, MD: I appreciate...
Journal of Invasive Cardiology
IAGS (International Andreas Gruentzig Society) Proceedings
Prof. Dr. Sigrid Nikol MD: I welcome you to this session, New Developments in Gene Therapy and Stem Cells for Angiogenesis in the Treatment of Myocardial Infarction. Initial developments of regenerative therapies were mainly angiogenesis...
Prof. Dr. Sigrid Nikol MD: I welcome you to this session, New Developments in Gene Therapy and Stem Cells for Angiogenesis in the Treatment of Myocardial Infarction. Initial developments of regenerative therapies were mainly angiogenesis...
Prof. Dr. Sigrid Nikol MD: I...
Journal of Invasive Cardiology