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Steve Ramcharitar, MRCP, DPhil

Case Report
Stent thrombosis is rare, but very serious, with potentially fatal consequences following percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI). Traditionally, it has been classified as acute, within 48 hours, subacute up to 30 days, and late,...
Stent thrombosis is rare, but very serious, with potentially fatal consequences following percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI). Traditionally, it has been classified as acute, within 48 hours, subacute up to 30 days, and late,...
Stent thrombosis is rare, but...
Journal of Invasive Cardiology
Technology Pulse
The System The Niobe® II magnetic navigation system (MNS: Stereotaxis, St Louis, Missouri) has two external magnets that produce a 15-cm uniform magnetic field. Through computer-controlled magnet movements, the magnetic field can be...
The System The Niobe® II magnetic navigation system (MNS: Stereotaxis, St Louis, Missouri) has two external magnets that produce a 15-cm uniform magnetic field. Through computer-controlled magnet movements, the magnetic field can be...
The System The Niobe® II...
Cath Lab Digest