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Chronic Ulcers

Elizabeth Ansert
Anthony Tickner
Donald Cohen
Weldon Murry
Samuel Gorelik
This review provides a general overview of various atypical wound etiologies, clinical presentations and appearance, and current treatment protocols.
This review provides a general overview of various atypical wound etiologies, clinical presentations and appearance, and current treatment protocols.
This review provides a general...
Surgical Corner
Terry Treadwell
To show its utility, a case report of this procedure and a small series of these patients treated in the wound clinic are presented.
To show its utility, a case report of this procedure and a small series of these patients treated in the wound clinic are presented.
To show its utility, a case...
Original Research
Jacek Mikosinski
Anna Di Landro
Krzysztofa Łuczak-Szymerska
Emilie Soriano
Carol Caverzasio
Daniela Binelli
Bruno Falissard
Olivier Dereure
This study compared an HA-impregnated gauze pad with a gauze pad without HA.
This study compared an HA-impregnated gauze pad with a gauze pad without HA.
This study compared an...
Abstract Body: Lower extremity wounds largely consist of venous leg ulcers and diabetic foot ulcers. Many are the result of traumatic leg injuries, peripheral arterial disease or infectio...
Abstract Body: Introduction: Steroid use in wound healing has always been discouraged, and said to cause delayed wound healing. Can the anti-inflammatory effects of topical steroid usage ...
Objective: Chlorinated species such as molecular chlorine, hypochlorous acid, and sodium hypochlorite all have antimicrobial properties, yet these differ in the cellular response they eli...
Abstract Body: Injured skin elicits an immediate reparative response, involving four phases: hemostasis, inflammation, proliferation and remodeling. However, normal cellular functions and...
There are over 5 million skin cancers reported in the United States annually. Among those, though not followed statistically, Mohs surgical resections for skin cancer on the nose are comm...
Abstract Body: Background: In a busy suburban wound care center, we often see patients with multiple comorbidities presenting with chronic ulcerations. These patients are at high risk for...
Abstract Body: Aims The advancement of wound healing technology, and, specifically the study of the skin microbiome, have led to the development of a new 3D nanofabricated synthetic polym...