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Gianluigi Bisleri, MD

Hibino Screenshot
A 54-year-old man suffered a self-inflicted penetrating chest wound from an automated crossbow used for hunting large animals. This case details his successful treatment with the assistance of intraoperative echocardiography.
A 54-year-old man suffered a self-inflicted penetrating chest wound from an automated crossbow used for hunting large animals. This case details his successful treatment with the assistance of intraoperative echocardiography.
A 54-year-old man suffered a...
Journal of Invasive Cardiology
Clinical Images
A 54-year-old man suffered a self-inflicted penetrating chest wound from an automated crossbow used for hunting large animals, with an entrance wound in the left third intercostal space and an exit wound at the tenth intercostal space.
A 54-year-old man suffered a self-inflicted penetrating chest wound from an automated crossbow used for hunting large animals, with an entrance wound in the left third intercostal space and an exit wound at the tenth intercostal space.
A 54-year-old man suffered a...
Journal of Invasive Cardiology
Cover Story
A combination of advanced catheter navigation and mapping along with simultaneous minimally invasive epicardial and endocardial ablation techniques have led to the development of a novel hybrid approach for the treatment of long-standing...
A combination of advanced catheter navigation and mapping along with simultaneous minimally invasive epicardial and endocardial ablation techniques have led to the development of a novel hybrid approach for the treatment of long-standing...
A combination of advanced...
EP Lab Digest