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Pressure Injuries

Case Q&A

Stephen M. Milner, MBBS, BDS, DSc (Hon) FRCSE, FACS1; Ryan Mathis, MD2

Stephen M. Milner, MBBS, BDS, DSc (Ho...
This Case Q&A discusses pressure injuries, with context for spinal cord injuries.
This Case Q&A discusses pressure injuries, with context for spinal cord injuries.
This Case Q&A discusses pressure...

Meng-Wei Ge, MSc1; Fei-Hong Hu, MSc1; Yi-Jie Jia, MSc1; Wen Tang, MSc1; Wan-Qing Zhang, MSc1; and Hong-Lin Chen, PhD2

Meng-Wei Ge, MSc1; Fei-Hong Hu, MSc1;...
Wound Management & Prevention
Richard G Stefanacci, DO, MGH, MBA, AGSF, CMD
This article helps long-term care professionals distinguish between avoidable and unavoidable pressure injuries and highlights the need for individualized care plans. Upon admission, thorough skin assessments and identification of risk...
This article helps long-term care professionals distinguish between avoidable and unavoidable pressure injuries and highlights the need for individualized care plans. Upon admission, thorough skin assessments and identification of risk...
This article helps long-term...
Annals of Long-Term Care
Empirical Studies
Xianrong Wu, BD, RN
Liangzhi Qiu, MD, RN
Min Cai, BD, RN
Yuehua Huang, BD, RN
Yucui Wang, BD, RN
Yihong Qiu, BD, RN
Wound Management & Prevention
Case Study
Wound Management & Prevention
Empirical Studies
Asra Nassehi, MSc, PhD Cand
Mojtaba Jafari, BSN, MSc, PhD
Franoosh Rashvand, BSN, MSc, PhD
Hossein Rafiei, BSN, MSc, PhD
Fatemeh Hosseinpour
Lida Shamekhi, RN
Attitudes toward MDRPIs were assessed among 310 nurses
Attitudes toward MDRPIs were assessed among 310 nurses
Attitudes toward MDRPIs were...
Wound Management & Prevention
Basics of Wound Care
Christopher M. Davey, MD, CWSP
A basic overview of pressure injuries including risk factors and staging.
A basic overview of pressure injuries including risk factors and staging.
A basic overview of pressure...
Wound Management & Prevention
George Kosmadakis, MD, PhD
Marie Christine Martinez, MSC
Sandrine Andre, MSC
Enrique Da Costa Correia, MD
The prevalence of pressure injuries (PIs) and variables that may affect their development were assessed during 1 day in 2009 and 1 day in 2013. The authors conclude that, despite increased PI prevention efforts, an aging population may...
The prevalence of pressure injuries (PIs) and variables that may affect their development were assessed during 1 day in 2009 and 1 day in 2013. The authors conclude that, despite increased PI prevention efforts, an aging population may...
The prevalence of pressure...
Wound Management & Prevention
Congenital Pressure Injuries
Children With Wounds
Vita Boyar, MD
This month’s Children With Wounds column begins with a case report. A full-term girl was born via cesarian delivery due to a failure to descend and complex presentation.
This month’s Children With Wounds column begins with a case report. A full-term girl was born via cesarian delivery due to a failure to descend and complex presentation.
This month’s Children With...
Wound Management & Prevention
A Closer Look at Recent Research on Pressure Injuries
Pressure Injuries
Brian McCurdy, Managing Editor
The frequency of repositioning for nursing home patients and the relationship of pressure injuries (PI) to angiosomes are the focus of recent research into pressure injuries.
The frequency of repositioning for nursing home patients and the relationship of pressure injuries (PI) to angiosomes are the focus of recent research into pressure injuries.
The frequency of repositioning...
Today's Wound Clinic