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Friederike von zur Muhlen, MD

Electrophysiology Corner
In a patient who presents with syncope of unknown origin, a thorough history can sometimes provide clues suggesting postural neurally mediated syncope or other forms of neurally mediated syncope, such as carotid sinus syndrome or micturition...
In a patient who presents with syncope of unknown origin, a thorough history can sometimes provide clues suggesting postural neurally mediated syncope or other forms of neurally mediated syncope, such as carotid sinus syndrome or micturition...
In a patient who presents with...
Journal of Invasive Cardiology
An abnormal response on HUT was elicited in 18% of patients and carotid sinus syndrome was diagnosed in 13%. Mild carotid sinus sensitivity was seen in 14%. Both tests were positive in 4 patients (3%; 11% of patients with a positive test)....
An abnormal response on HUT was elicited in 18% of patients and carotid sinus syndrome was diagnosed in 13%. Mild carotid sinus sensitivity was seen in 14%. Both tests were positive in 4 patients (3%; 11% of patients with a positive test)....
An abnormal response on HUT was...
EP Lab Digest