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Alexander J. Chase, MBBCh, PhD, MBBS, MD

Original Contribution
The hybrid algorithm and contemporary wiring and dissection re-entry techniques can potentially improve long-term outcomes after CTO-PCI. This study assessed the long-term clinical outcomes of the hybrid CTO practice, when applied by...
The hybrid algorithm and contemporary wiring and dissection re-entry techniques can potentially improve long-term outcomes after CTO-PCI. This study assessed the long-term clinical outcomes of the hybrid CTO practice, when applied by...
The hybrid algorithm and...
Journal of Invasive Cardiology
Original Contribution
This prospective study assesses balloon-assisted tracking in reducing radial access failure during percutaneous coronary intervention.
This prospective study assesses balloon-assisted tracking in reducing radial access failure during percutaneous coronary intervention.
This prospective study assesses...
Journal of Invasive Cardiology
Clinical Images
3D-OCT revealed extensive fracture and distortion of the struts in the distal portion of a stent, presumably caused by aggressive postdilation at the time of implantation. This was managed successfully with the insertion of a new coronary...
3D-OCT revealed extensive fracture and distortion of the struts in the distal portion of a stent, presumably caused by aggressive postdilation at the time of implantation. This was managed successfully with the insertion of a new coronary...
3D-OCT revealed extensive...
Journal of Invasive Cardiology