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Arthur Kerner, MD

Original Contribution
Intracoronary radiation therapy (IRT), utilizing both gamma- and beta-emitting radiation sources, was until recently the only effective method for the prevention of recurrent in-stent restenosis (ISR) and the need for additional...
Intracoronary radiation therapy (IRT), utilizing both gamma- and beta-emitting radiation sources, was until recently the only effective method for the prevention of recurrent in-stent restenosis (ISR) and the need for additional...
Intracoronary radiation therapy...
Journal of Invasive Cardiology
Original Contribution
The recent introduction of cardiac troponin I (cTn-I) into daily routine practice allows for highly accurate, sensitive and specific determination of myocardial injury in patients with chest pain. Any increase in these markers implies...
The recent introduction of cardiac troponin I (cTn-I) into daily routine practice allows for highly accurate, sensitive and specific determination of myocardial injury in patients with chest pain. Any increase in these markers implies...
The recent introduction of...
Journal of Invasive Cardiology