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Sooraj Shah, MD

Approach to Tibiopedal Retrograde Revascularization of Below-The-Knee Peripheral Arterial Diseases With or Without Transradial Guidance Peripheral Angiography
This study demonstrated that the treatment of critical limb ischemia with below-the-knee lesions is feasible and safe, with a high procedural success rate and low access-site complication rate using the tibiopedal access approach regardless...
This study demonstrated that the treatment of critical limb ischemia with below-the-knee lesions is feasible and safe, with a high procedural success rate and low access-site complication rate using the tibiopedal access approach regardless...
This study demonstrated that the...
Cath Lab Digest
Vascular Disease
Tibiopedal retrograde revascularization of below-the-knee lesions is an emerging technique in peripheral interventions. We performed an observational cohort study of 194 consecutive adult patients with critical limb ischemia who underwent...
Tibiopedal retrograde revascularization of below-the-knee lesions is an emerging technique in peripheral interventions. We performed an observational cohort study of 194 consecutive adult patients with critical limb ischemia who underwent...
Tibiopedal retrograde...
Journal of Invasive Cardiology
Original Contribution
There are limited reports of transpedal artery access for peripheral artery interventions, but none to date describing routine primary transpedal artery approach for SFA stenting. We report on 4 patients who underwent successful endovascular...
There are limited reports of transpedal artery access for peripheral artery interventions, but none to date describing routine primary transpedal artery approach for SFA stenting. We report on 4 patients who underwent successful endovascular...
There are limited reports of...
Journal of Invasive Cardiology
Original Contribution
This study demonstrates the feasibility and safety of transpedal arterial access for lower-extremity angiography and intervention using ultrasound assessment of the pedal arteries before the procedure and at 1-month follow-up. 
This study demonstrates the feasibility and safety of transpedal arterial access for lower-extremity angiography and intervention using ultrasound assessment of the pedal arteries before the procedure and at 1-month follow-up. 
This study demonstrates the...
Journal of Invasive Cardiology