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Thomas A. Davenport, MD

CASE REPORT Lymphatic Mapping in the Treatment of Chronic Seroma: A Case Series
CASE REPORT Lymphatic Mapping in the Treatment of Chronic Seroma: A Case Series Michael Singer, BS, Kristen Aliano, MD, Steven Stavrides, PA, and Thomas Davenport, MD Long Island Plastic Surgical Group, Garden City,...
CASE REPORT Lymphatic Mapping in the Treatment of Chronic Seroma: A Case Series Michael Singer, BS, Kristen Aliano, MD, Steven Stavrides, PA, and Thomas Davenport, MD Long Island Plastic Surgical Group, Garden City,...
CASE REPORT Lymphatic...
Introduction: Patients with open wounds often require a skin graft for closure. These patients are sometimes not candidates for immediate skin grafting. The wound bed requires optimizatio...