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Chandan D. Bhavnani, MBBS

Brief Communication
Application of the hybrid algorithm for the treatment of coronary chronic total occlusions requires the operator to readily deploy complex techniques and advanced technologies to achieve successful revascularization. Patient-specific factors...
Application of the hybrid algorithm for the treatment of coronary chronic total occlusions requires the operator to readily deploy complex techniques and advanced technologies to achieve successful revascularization. Patient-specific factors...
Application of the hybrid...
Journal of Invasive Cardiology
Kaier Video
Supplemental Video to "Antegrade Dissection Re-entry for Management Of Retained Microcatheter Tips During PCI For Chronic Total Occlusion: A Case Series," by Kaier et al.
Supplemental Video to "Antegrade Dissection Re-entry for Management Of Retained Microcatheter Tips During PCI For Chronic Total Occlusion: A Case Series," by Kaier et al.
Supplemental Video to "Antegrade...
Journal of Invasive Cardiology