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Ji-Hyuck Rhee, MD

Original Contribution
Transradial coronary angiography (TRA) has proven to be a feasible, safe, and effective method, and steadily growing in popularity.1,2 Furthermore, TRA carries great advantages in terms of reducing the risk of major entry-site complications,...
Transradial coronary angiography (TRA) has proven to be a feasible, safe, and effective method, and steadily growing in popularity.1,2 Furthermore, TRA carries great advantages in terms of reducing the risk of major entry-site complications,...
Transradial coronary angiography...
Journal of Invasive Cardiology
Radial Access Technique
Abstract: We report a case of prone position coronary angiography due to intractable back pain via left transradial approach. When a patient cannot lie down in a supine position, prone position coronary angiography can be performed...
Abstract: We report a case of prone position coronary angiography due to intractable back pain via left transradial approach. When a patient cannot lie down in a supine position, prone position coronary angiography can be performed...
Abstract: We report a case of...
Journal of Invasive Cardiology