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Ersan Tatli, MD

Mediastinal hematoma is a very rare complication of coronary angiography. We present a 72-year-old female patient with a right internal mammary artery perforation following transradial coronary angiography, which was managed with implantation...
Mediastinal hematoma is a very rare complication of coronary angiography. We present a 72-year-old female patient with a right internal mammary artery perforation following transradial coronary angiography, which was managed with implantation...
Mediastinal hematoma is a very...
Journal of Invasive Cardiology
Original Contribution
Endovascular treatment of Buerger’s disease is challenging, which usually impedes antegrade revascularization options. We aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of transpedal retrograde approach in patients with Buerger’s disease with ambiguous...
Endovascular treatment of Buerger’s disease is challenging, which usually impedes antegrade revascularization options. We aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of transpedal retrograde approach in patients with Buerger’s disease with ambiguous...
Endovascular treatment of...
Journal of Invasive Cardiology