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Nicholas W. Todd, DPM, FACFAS, AACFAS

When conservative offloading options have failed and patients with diabetes are at risk of limb loss, one might consider surgical offloading for diabetic foot ulcers. These authors offer their experience with operative techniques for...
When conservative offloading options have failed and patients with diabetes are at risk of limb loss, one might consider surgical offloading for diabetic foot ulcers. These authors offer their experience with operative techniques for...
When conservative offloading...
Podiatry Today
Diagnosing And Treating Synovial Plica Syndrome In A Patient With First Metatarsophalangeal Joint Pain
Online Exclusive
While there are a variety of potential etiologies with first metatarsophalangeal joint (MPJ) pain, these authors examine an alternative diagnosis of synovial plica syndrome in a 14-year-old patient without significant medical history or a...
While there are a variety of potential etiologies with first metatarsophalangeal joint (MPJ) pain, these authors examine an alternative diagnosis of synovial plica syndrome in a 14-year-old patient without significant medical history or a...
While there are a variety of...
Podiatry Today
Posterior malleolar ankle fractures can be a challenge to reduce and fixate. Accordingly, these authors provide compelling case examples and emphasize the use of computed tomography and a posterior approach to facilitate optimal outcomes.
Posterior malleolar ankle fractures can be a challenge to reduce and fixate. Accordingly, these authors provide compelling case examples and emphasize the use of computed tomography and a posterior approach to facilitate optimal outcomes.
Posterior malleolar ankle...
Podiatry Today