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Zachary Flynn, DPM, AACFAS

Yes. These authors note that recent literature and surgeon experience have shown that frontal plane deformity has been grossly underestimated and inadequately addressed in the surgical correction of hallux valgus. By Lawrence DiDomenico,...
Yes. These authors note that recent literature and surgeon experience have shown that frontal plane deformity has been grossly underestimated and inadequately addressed in the surgical correction of hallux valgus. By Lawrence DiDomenico,...
Yes. These authors note that...
Podiatry Today
In contrast to a lateral open osteotomy, the percutaneous calcaneal displacement osteotomy facilitates less soft tissue and neurovascular compromise, a reduced risk of post-op wound complications and improved cosmesis. With this in mind,...
In contrast to a lateral open osteotomy, the percutaneous calcaneal displacement osteotomy facilitates less soft tissue and neurovascular compromise, a reduced risk of post-op wound complications and improved cosmesis. With this in mind,...
In contrast to a lateral open...
Podiatry Today