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David M. Warde

Introduction: Silver within a dressing must be in its ionic state (Ag1+) for antimicrobial efficacy. However, to combat biofilm, additional components such as EDTA and benzethonium c...
Introduction: Silicone bordered foams are frequently used in the management of chronic wounds. More recently, silicone bordered superabsorbent dressings have been introduced. This study a...
Providing an optimal moist wound environment has been shown to benefit many aspects of wound repair. Moisture retentive foam dressings are now commonplace in the management of wound exuda...
Aim: Superabsorbent dressings are usually structured so that the inner absorbent core is encapsulated within an outer construction. This is to prevent superabsorbent polymers from spillin...
Introduction: Due to their ability to absorb large quantities of fluid, superabsorbent dressings are used in the treatment of moderate to highly exuding wounds e.g. venous leg ulcers. Dre...