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Laura Schiff, MSN

There is a growing body of evidence that therapeutic hypothermia (TH) in patients who are comatose after cardiac arrest improves neurologic outcomes.1,2 This is an exciting addition to traditional percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI)...
There is a growing body of evidence that therapeutic hypothermia (TH) in patients who are comatose after cardiac arrest improves neurologic outcomes.1,2 This is an exciting addition to traditional percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI)...
There is a growing body of...
Cath Lab Digest
Cath Lab Management
During the middle of the night and on weekends, we have very critical patients who don’t quite require a full code team, but who would benefit from another cath lab RN. 
During the middle of the night and on weekends, we have very critical patients who don’t quite require a full code team, but who would benefit from another cath lab RN. 
During the middle of the night...
Cath Lab Digest