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Carolyn C. Weaver, RN, BSN, MBA

Cath Lab Management
There has been an overabundance of studies on the healthcare staff shortage and its causes. Current trends in staff shortages are shown in Figures 1 and 2. There are many other factors contributing to the cardiovascular staff shortage,...
There has been an overabundance of studies on the healthcare staff shortage and its causes. Current trends in staff shortages are shown in Figures 1 and 2. There are many other factors contributing to the cardiovascular staff shortage,...
There has been an overabundance...
Cath Lab Digest
Feature Story
It will take real effort on the part of government, hospitals, management, individual healthcare workers and the public to ensure that the healthcare needs of the future are met.
It will take real effort on the part of government, hospitals, management, individual healthcare workers and the public to ensure that the healthcare needs of the future are met.
It will take real effort on the...
EP Lab Digest
Technology Pulse
Development of new and effective technological innovations creates demand by the consumer and the physician. Until recently, the option to have a dynamic view of the coronary and vascular systems by a noninvasive technique seemed unrealistic....
Development of new and effective technological innovations creates demand by the consumer and the physician. Until recently, the option to have a dynamic view of the coronary and vascular systems by a noninvasive technique seemed unrealistic....
Development of new and effective...
Cath Lab Digest