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S. Brent Barnes, DO, MD

CaseA 69-year-old male with no significant past medical history presented to the emergency department with an acute onset of chest pain. The electrocardiogram revealed inferior wall ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI). 
CaseA 69-year-old male with no significant past medical history presented to the emergency department with an acute onset of chest pain. The electrocardiogram revealed inferior wall ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI). 
CaseA 69-year-old male with no...
Cath Lab Digest
AbstractParavalvular leak (PVL) is a relatively uncommon but potentially serious complication of surgical mitral valve replacement (MVR). In the presence of symptoms, surgical repair of PVL is recommended to prevent consequences such as heart...
AbstractParavalvular leak (PVL) is a relatively uncommon but potentially serious complication of surgical mitral valve replacement (MVR). In the presence of symptoms, surgical repair of PVL is recommended to prevent consequences such as heart...
AbstractParavalvular leak (PVL)...
Cath Lab Digest