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Ken Rosenfeld, MD

Clinical Editor's Corner
This “Conversation in Cardiology” focuses on how patients needing a patent foramen ovale (PFO) closure in a community hospital are best managed. It is a continuation of an older discussion about how the transmission of high quality, high...
This “Conversation in Cardiology” focuses on how patients needing a patent foramen ovale (PFO) closure in a community hospital are best managed. It is a continuation of an older discussion about how the transmission of high quality, high...
This “Conversation in...
Cath Lab Digest
Clinical Editor's Corner
Dr. Peter Pelican from Santa Monica, California, asked, “What are you doing for an alternative to contrast media or to conserve contrast? Are you using gadolinium? Diluting the contrast 25%? Performing CO2 angiography?” I asked my colleagues...
Dr. Peter Pelican from Santa Monica, California, asked, “What are you doing for an alternative to contrast media or to conserve contrast? Are you using gadolinium? Diluting the contrast 25%? Performing CO2 angiography?” I asked my colleagues...
Dr. Peter Pelican from Santa...
Cath Lab Digest
Clinical Editor's Corner
I recently learned that there is a worldwide shortage of the iodinated contrast agents (Omnipaque, Visipaque [both GE Healthcare], Isovue [Bracco Imaging], and Optiray [Guerbet]) used for computed tomography (CT) exams for general radiology...
I recently learned that there is a worldwide shortage of the iodinated contrast agents (Omnipaque, Visipaque [both GE Healthcare], Isovue [Bracco Imaging], and Optiray [Guerbet]) used for computed tomography (CT) exams for general radiology...
I recently learned that there is...
Cath Lab Digest
Clinical Editor's Corner
Mr. Phillip Mumford asked, “We are changing our patient documentation to Epic at my facilities. Do you know if it’s required to still document balloon inflation pressures (ATM) and time (seconds) when charting the procedure?"
Mr. Phillip Mumford asked, “We are changing our patient documentation to Epic at my facilities. Do you know if it’s required to still document balloon inflation pressures (ATM) and time (seconds) when charting the procedure?"
Mr. Phillip Mumford asked, “We...
Cath Lab Digest