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Radial Access Technique
Right heart catheterization has been described via the arm but previous reports have been retrospective, performed for limited indications, and may not give an accurate assessment of the success rate or safety of this technique. Right and...
Right heart catheterization has been described via the arm but previous reports have been retrospective, performed for limited indications, and may not give an accurate assessment of the success rate or safety of this technique. Right and...
Right heart catheterization has...
Journal of Invasive Cardiology
Radial Access Technique
As a novel device-based approach targeting the renal sympathetic nerves, renal denervation has been shown to be effective and safe in reducing blood pressure. The femoral artery is currently the most common access site for this procedure due...
As a novel device-based approach targeting the renal sympathetic nerves, renal denervation has been shown to be effective and safe in reducing blood pressure. The femoral artery is currently the most common access site for this procedure due...
As a novel device-based approach...
Journal of Invasive Cardiology
Original Research
Our preliminary results revealed that transradial renal denervation is technically feasible, relatively safe, and effective for the treatment of resistant hypertension, especially where a femoral approach may not be possible.
Our preliminary results revealed that transradial renal denervation is technically feasible, relatively safe, and effective for the treatment of resistant hypertension, especially where a femoral approach may not be possible.
Our preliminary results revealed...
EP Lab Digest