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Thomas C. McAndrew, PhD, MS

Original Contribution
The relationship between the extent of coronary artery disease (CAD) and bleeding after PCI remains understudied. This study sought to evaluate the relation between the extent of CAD and bleeding risk in patients undergoing PCI for non-ST...
The relationship between the extent of coronary artery disease (CAD) and bleeding after PCI remains understudied. This study sought to evaluate the relation between the extent of CAD and bleeding risk in patients undergoing PCI for non-ST...
The relationship between the...
Journal of Invasive Cardiology
Original Contribution
We report the adverse event rates after rotational atherectomy (RA) with contemporary drug-eluting stent implantation and compare RA to cutting balloon angioplasty and balloon-only angioplasty in the all-comers ADAPT-DES trial.
We report the adverse event rates after rotational atherectomy (RA) with contemporary drug-eluting stent implantation and compare RA to cutting balloon angioplasty and balloon-only angioplasty in the all-comers ADAPT-DES trial.
We report the adverse event...
Journal of Invasive Cardiology