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Thierry De Baère, MD

Presented by Thierry de Baére, MD and Robert Suh, MD discuss the current research on the efficacy and long-term outcomes after cryoablation of lung tumors.
Thierry de Baere, MD, presents at the "Innovations in IO" bonus session at CIOctober 2020.
Thierry de Baere, MD, Head of Interventional Oncology Department, Institut Gustave Roussy, Université Paris-Saclay.
Purpose: The primary objective of ECLIPSE was to assess long-term efficacy of cryoablation for local tumor control in patients with pulmonary metastatic disease over the course of five ye...
Thierry de Baère, MD, Gustave Roussy
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Thierry de Baère, MD, shares his top 5 tips to keep in mind when administering transarterial chemoembolization.
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Vascular Disease Management