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Vinicius D. Vaz, MD

Diabetes mellitus is associated with more aggressive coronary artery disease with almost 4 times the mortality rate and worse outcomes (including restenosis) after percutaneous coronary intervention.1–3 Stent implantation has become the...
Diabetes mellitus is associated with more aggressive coronary artery disease with almost 4 times the mortality rate and worse outcomes (including restenosis) after percutaneous coronary intervention.1–3 Stent implantation has become the...
Diabetes mellitus is associated...
Journal of Invasive Cardiology
Original Contribution
Feasibility and short- and mid-term safety of catheter-based intravascular brachytherapy (IVBT) has been demonstrated in several clinical trials.1–4 Moreover, randomized studies using IVBT (beta or gamma) have reported a significant reduction...
Feasibility and short- and mid-term safety of catheter-based intravascular brachytherapy (IVBT) has been demonstrated in several clinical trials.1–4 Moreover, randomized studies using IVBT (beta or gamma) have reported a significant reduction...
Feasibility and short- and...
Journal of Invasive Cardiology