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L. Bing Liem, DO, FACC

Dr. Liem provides a brief summary on the recently revised ACC/AHA/HRS guidelines for device-based therapy. The 2008 ACC/AHA/HRS Guidelines for Device-Based Therapy of Cardiac Rhythm Abnormalities1 are a further expansion to those...
Dr. Liem provides a brief summary on the recently revised ACC/AHA/HRS guidelines for device-based therapy. The 2008 ACC/AHA/HRS Guidelines for Device-Based Therapy of Cardiac Rhythm Abnormalities1 are a further expansion to those...
Dr. Liem provides a brief...
EP Lab Digest
Mechanism of Ventricular Tachycardia Ventricular tachycardia is, in general, considered to be a malignant arrhythmia, as it is most commonly found in a diseased heart and is associated with increased cardiovascular mortality. The typical...
Mechanism of Ventricular Tachycardia Ventricular tachycardia is, in general, considered to be a malignant arrhythmia, as it is most commonly found in a diseased heart and is associated with increased cardiovascular mortality. The typical...
Mechanism of Ventricular...
EP Lab Digest
The success of LV lead placement varies from 70-90%.1-3 A lower success rate is typical for attempts during the operator s early experience, and even the experienced operator still encounters challenging anatomy. Failed implantation...
The success of LV lead placement varies from 70-90%.1-3 A lower success rate is typical for attempts during the operator s early experience, and even the experienced operator still encounters challenging anatomy. Failed implantation...
The success of LV lead...
EP Lab Digest
Cover Story
L. Bing Liem, DO and colleagues discuss their approach to the hybrid procedure, which incorporates minimally invasive epicardial maze via thoracoscopic surgery completed by endocardial catheter mapping and ablation.
L. Bing Liem, DO and colleagues discuss their approach to the hybrid procedure, which incorporates minimally invasive epicardial maze via thoracoscopic surgery completed by endocardial catheter mapping and ablation.
L. Bing Liem, DO and colleagues...
EP Lab Digest
Feature Story
The success in curing some arrhythmia using RF ablation has been, in itself, quite a milestone in the field of arrhythmia management. However, some common arrhythmia remains difficult to treat with simple ablation and thus the quest for other...
The success in curing some arrhythmia using RF ablation has been, in itself, quite a milestone in the field of arrhythmia management. However, some common arrhythmia remains difficult to treat with simple ablation and thus the quest for other...
The success in curing some...
EP Lab Digest
During this past year, we have seen a proliferation of CRT procedures. While the procedure can indeed be challenging and time consuming, we have gained significant insight into this form of therapy with respect to both its clinical and...
During this past year, we have seen a proliferation of CRT procedures. While the procedure can indeed be challenging and time consuming, we have gained significant insight into this form of therapy with respect to both its clinical and...
During this past year, we have...
EP Lab Digest
While there was no real breakthrough in the field of catheter ablation for atrial fibrillation (AF) in 2004, there was continuous progress in that field.
While there was no real breakthrough in the field of catheter ablation for atrial fibrillation (AF) in 2004, there was continuous progress in that field.
While there was no real...
EP Lab Digest
Case Study
Dr. Liem et al provide a case on dual-site LV pacing.The patient was an example of a non-responder to the traditional CRT method who became a partial responder and benefitted from freedom of ICD shocks.
Dr. Liem et al provide a case on dual-site LV pacing.The patient was an example of a non-responder to the traditional CRT method who became a partial responder and benefitted from freedom of ICD shocks.
Dr. Liem et al provide a case on...
EP Lab Digest
Case Study
The authors believe the utility of this delivery system offers a practical solution to a challenging situation. Suitable delivery sheath(s) and small-caliber ICD lead(s) are key in the success of utilizing this technique.
The authors believe the utility of this delivery system offers a practical solution to a challenging situation. Suitable delivery sheath(s) and small-caliber ICD lead(s) are key in the success of utilizing this technique.
The authors believe the utility...
EP Lab Digest