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Kshitij Shankhdhar, MBBS

Fifty million people in India have diabetes.1 This is nearly double the estimated 26 million in the United States who have the disease.2 Although 8 percent of the global diabetes population live in the U.S., America’s diabetes care spending...
Fifty million people in India have diabetes.1 This is nearly double the estimated 26 million in the United States who have the disease.2 Although 8 percent of the global diabetes population live in the U.S., America’s diabetes care spending...
Fifty million people in India...
Podiatry Today
Diabetes Watch
At one point, limb loss due to diabetes occurred every 30 seconds. Recent research has reduced the figure to every 20 seconds.1-3 Eighty-five percent of lower limb amputations follow incidence of a diabetic foot ulcer and most are...
At one point, limb loss due to diabetes occurred every 30 seconds. Recent research has reduced the figure to every 20 seconds.1-3 Eighty-five percent of lower limb amputations follow incidence of a diabetic foot ulcer and most are...
At one point, limb loss due to...
Podiatry Today
     Would you believe that many centuries ago, it was a tradition in India that when a person used to visit someone, the host used to wash the feet of the guest to welcome him or her? Washing the feet of the guest was a gesture to express...
     Would you believe that many centuries ago, it was a tradition in India that when a person used to visit someone, the host used to wash the feet of the guest to welcome him or her? Washing the feet of the guest was a gesture to express...
     Would you believe that many...
Podiatry Today
      Every 30 seconds, a lower limb is lost as a consequence of diabetes. Worldwide, more than a million amputations are performed each year as a consequence of diabetes. Up to 85 percent of all amputations in people with diabetes are...
      Every 30 seconds, a lower limb is lost as a consequence of diabetes. Worldwide, more than a million amputations are performed each year as a consequence of diabetes. Up to 85 percent of all amputations in people with diabetes are...
      Every 30 seconds, a lower...
Podiatry Today
Online Exclusive
These authors address the impact of shear forces in the treatment of a dorsal ulcer initially caused by a toe ring worn by a 61-year-old patient.
These authors address the impact of shear forces in the treatment of a dorsal ulcer initially caused by a toe ring worn by a 61-year-old patient.
These authors address the impact...
Podiatry Today