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Waldemar Dorniak, MD

Sudden occlusion of the only patent coronary artery is usually a devastating event. We describe a case of a successful percutaneous recanalization of a single coronary artery originating at the right sinus of Valsalva.
Sudden occlusion of the only patent coronary artery is usually a devastating event. We describe a case of a successful percutaneous recanalization of a single coronary artery originating at the right sinus of Valsalva.
Sudden occlusion of the only...
Journal of Invasive Cardiology
Complex Case Intervention
ABSTRACT: Continuous technological development and modern construction of guidewires make percutaneous interventions safer than ever. Complications associated with device failure are rare and most of them may be avoided. We describe a case...
ABSTRACT: Continuous technological development and modern construction of guidewires make percutaneous interventions safer than ever. Complications associated with device failure are rare and most of them may be avoided. We describe a case...
ABSTRACT: Continuous...
Journal of Invasive Cardiology