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Michael Patel, MD

Michael Patel, MD, and Robert Beasley, MD discuss drug-eluting stents and drug-coated balloons.
Michael Patel, MD, and Robert Beasley, MD discuss drug-eluting stents and drug-coated balloons.
Michael Patel, MD, and Robert...
Vascular Disease Management
The STAND Trial: How the MicroStent Attempts to Break Through Barriers in Below-the-Knee CLI
Clinical Update
To understand the intent behind the STAND (Clinical Evaluation of the MicroSTent PeripherAl Vascular SteNt in Subjects with Arterial Disease Below the Knee) trial, one must comprehend the barriers of clinical success in BTK revascularization.
To understand the intent behind the STAND (Clinical Evaluation of the MicroSTent PeripherAl Vascular SteNt in Subjects with Arterial Disease Below the Knee) trial, one must comprehend the barriers of clinical success in BTK revascularization.
To understand the intent behind...
Vascular Disease Management