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Thomas A. Ports, MD

Intracoronary calcium channel blockers have been administered during percutaneous coronary interventions (PCI) for the management of reduced coronary flow due to microvascular dysfunction.1–3 More recent studies have shown that intracoronary...
Intracoronary calcium channel blockers have been administered during percutaneous coronary interventions (PCI) for the management of reduced coronary flow due to microvascular dysfunction.1–3 More recent studies have shown that intracoronary...
Intracoronary calcium channel...
Journal of Invasive Cardiology
Original Contribution
Recent technological advances have led to increased use of bilateral femoral artery access and the requirement for large-bore access. Our study examines the relationship between bifurcation level of one CFA and the contralateral CFA in order...
Recent technological advances have led to increased use of bilateral femoral artery access and the requirement for large-bore access. Our study examines the relationship between bifurcation level of one CFA and the contralateral CFA in order...
Recent technological advances...
Journal of Invasive Cardiology