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Samir Kammoun, MD, PhD

Case Report
Coronary perforation (CP) occurs in 2-8% of percutaneous coronary interventions.1-3 It is a rare but potentially fatal complication, should tamponade occur. The diagnosis is easily made by the extravasation of contrast agent from the damaged...
Coronary perforation (CP) occurs in 2-8% of percutaneous coronary interventions.1-3 It is a rare but potentially fatal complication, should tamponade occur. The diagnosis is easily made by the extravasation of contrast agent from the damaged...
Coronary perforation (CP) occurs...
Cath Lab Digest
Case Report
Optimal stent deployment can become a challenge for the interventional cardiologist, especially when it involves calcified, undilatable lesions. Various technologies have been developed to tackle this scenario and the super high-pressure...
Optimal stent deployment can become a challenge for the interventional cardiologist, especially when it involves calcified, undilatable lesions. Various technologies have been developed to tackle this scenario and the super high-pressure...
Optimal stent deployment can...
Cath Lab Digest