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Sanjay Chugh, MD, DM

Letters to the Editor
The authors offer their opinion on forearm arterial access and the January 2016 article by Gokhroo et al.  
The authors offer their opinion on forearm arterial access and the January 2016 article by Gokhroo et al.  
The authors offer their opinion...
Journal of Invasive Cardiology
Letters to the Editor
The authors comment on a recently published article on radial artery occlusions, and discuss whether the study results are applicable to all patient populations.
The authors comment on a recently published article on radial artery occlusions, and discuss whether the study results are applicable to all patient populations.
The authors comment on a...
Journal of Invasive Cardiology
Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor: We would like to congratulate Deora et al1 on the use of their novel technique for overcoming radial artery loops during transradial interventions. However, we have the following concerns regarding its safety and utility:
Dear Editor: We would like to congratulate Deora et al1 on the use of their novel technique for overcoming radial artery loops during transradial interventions. However, we have the following concerns regarding its safety and utility:
Dear Editor: We would like to...
Journal of Invasive Cardiology