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Yasser Heshmat, MB, BCh

Explained are the technical aspects of ambulatory monitoring for achieving accurate reporting and minimizing the potential for repeat testing. Ambulatory monitoring includes Holter, event, and ambulatory blood pressure monitoring.
Explained are the technical aspects of ambulatory monitoring for achieving accurate reporting and minimizing the potential for repeat testing. Ambulatory monitoring includes Holter, event, and ambulatory blood pressure monitoring.
Explained are the technical...
EP Lab Digest
Case Series
Abstract carotid artery stenting is the treatment of choice in high-risk patients with extracranial carotid occlusive disease. Bradycardia and hypotension are well-recognized complications of this procedure and are often transient and...
Abstract carotid artery stenting is the treatment of choice in high-risk patients with extracranial carotid occlusive disease. Bradycardia and hypotension are well-recognized complications of this procedure and are often transient and...
Abstract carotid artery stenting...
Vascular Disease Management