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Alexander G. Truesdell, MD, FACC, FSCAI, FSVM

Letters to the Editor
This commentary underscores the need to embrace a "combat mentality" to approach the problem of cardiac shock.
This commentary underscores the need to embrace a "combat mentality" to approach the problem of cardiac shock.
This commentary underscores the...
Journal of Invasive Cardiology
Invasive Thoughts
Dr Truesdell discusses the explosion of specialty and subspecialty certifications required. As he prepares to register for his eighth postresidency certification or “board” exam, he starts to question his enthusiasm for pursuing more and more...
Dr Truesdell discusses the explosion of specialty and subspecialty certifications required. As he prepares to register for his eighth postresidency certification or “board” exam, he starts to question his enthusiasm for pursuing more and more...
Dr Truesdell discusses the...
Journal of Invasive Cardiology
Original Contribution
An adducted arm/wrist increases the distance between the operator and radiation source. As radiation exposure is cumulative, 2-3 inches of distance multiplied times 1000 procedures has a significant long-term dose-reduction effect.
An adducted arm/wrist increases the distance between the operator and radiation source. As radiation exposure is cumulative, 2-3 inches of distance multiplied times 1000 procedures has a significant long-term dose-reduction effect.
An adducted arm/wrist increases...
Cath Lab Digest