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Akhil K. Seth, MD

Esthetic Outcomes of ADM-Assisted Expander-Implant Breast Reconstruction
Esthetic Outcomes of ADM-Assisted Expander-Implant Breast Reconstruction Khang T. Nguyen, BA,a Lauren M. Mioton, BS,b John T. Smetona, BS,a Akhil K. Seth, MD,a and John Y. Kim, MDa,c aNorthwestern University Feinberg School of...
Esthetic Outcomes of ADM-Assisted Expander-Implant Breast Reconstruction Khang T. Nguyen, BA,a Lauren M. Mioton, BS,b John T. Smetona, BS,a Akhil K. Seth, MD,a and John Y. Kim, MDa,c aNorthwestern University Feinberg School of...
Esthetic Outcomes of...
Aim: To use an in vivo colonized wound model to quantify the effect of a new enhanced antimicrobial Hydrofiber dressing (AAA) on bioburden levels and wound healing rates.