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Gisele Wolf-Klein, MD

Practical Research
Despite the prevalence and risks of osteoporotic fractures in men, research shows that men perceive osteoporosis to be a women’s disease.
Despite the prevalence and risks of osteoporotic fractures in men, research shows that men perceive osteoporosis to be a women’s disease.
Despite the prevalence and risks...
Annals of Long-Term Care
Practical Research
Because older adults are unlikely to ask their health care provider about driving cessation, it is incumbent upon health care providers to recognize the need for and to initiate the “driving conversation” with their older patients.
Because older adults are unlikely to ask their health care provider about driving cessation, it is incumbent upon health care providers to recognize the need for and to initiate the “driving conversation” with their older patients.
Because older adults are...
Annals of Long-Term Care