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Subramaniam C. Krishnan, MD, FHRS

ABSTRACT: Objective. Atrial tachyarrhythmias are often located in the pulmonary veins or antrum of the left atrium, and successful catheter ablation of this arrhythmia often necessitates needle puncture of the fossa ovalis. Occasionally, in...
ABSTRACT: Objective. Atrial tachyarrhythmias are often located in the pulmonary veins or antrum of the left atrium, and successful catheter ablation of this arrhythmia often necessitates needle puncture of the fossa ovalis. Occasionally, in...
ABSTRACT: Objective. Atrial...
EP Lab Digest
Right Bundle Branch Block Morphology of the Paced QRS Complex and Diaphragmatic Capture During Temporary Transvenous Pacing: Where is the Pacing Catheter? _______________________________ Temporary cardiac pacing can reestablish circulatory...
Right Bundle Branch Block Morphology of the Paced QRS Complex and Diaphragmatic Capture During Temporary Transvenous Pacing: Where is the Pacing Catheter? _______________________________ Temporary cardiac pacing can reestablish circulatory...
Right Bundle Branch Block...
EP Lab Digest
Background Techniques used to extract chronically implanted permanent pacing leads have evolved over time. These initially consisted of traction and now have evolved into counter pressure and counter traction with the assistance of...
Background Techniques used to extract chronically implanted permanent pacing leads have evolved over time. These initially consisted of traction and now have evolved into counter pressure and counter traction with the assistance of...
Background Techniques used to...
EP Lab Digest
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