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Jeffrey H. Lawson, MD, PhD

Original Contribution
Vascular access site complications are common following cardiac catheterization.1 These complications, as high as 14% of patients undergoing percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI), increase hospital length of stay and cost.2 Accordingly,...
Vascular access site complications are common following cardiac catheterization.1 These complications, as high as 14% of patients undergoing percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI), increase hospital length of stay and cost.2 Accordingly,...
Vascular access site...
Journal of Invasive Cardiology
Jeffrey Lawson, MD, of Duke University, discusses engineering of an implantable blood vessel from donor vascular cells. The technology has received US Food and Drug Administration fast-track designation for approval, and clinical trials are...
Jeffrey Lawson, MD, of Duke University, discusses engineering of an implantable blood vessel from donor vascular cells. The technology has received US Food and Drug Administration fast-track designation for approval, and clinical trials are...
Jeffrey Lawson, MD, of Duke...
Vascular Disease Management