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Aditya K. Gupta, MD, PhD

Griseofulvin is really the first oral agent in America for the treatment of superficial fungal infections. The original formulation of this agent had a low water solubility and a low absorption rate. We recognize that, especially, the...
Griseofulvin is really the first oral agent in America for the treatment of superficial fungal infections. The original formulation of this agent had a low water solubility and a low absorption rate. We recognize that, especially, the...
Griseofulvin is really the first...
Podiatry Today
Onychomycosis is a common nail infection, which is often chronic, difficult to eradicate and tends to recur.1 Current therapeutic approaches include mechanical or chemical avulsion, topical therapy, oral therapy or a combination of one or...
Onychomycosis is a common nail infection, which is often chronic, difficult to eradicate and tends to recur.1 Current therapeutic approaches include mechanical or chemical avulsion, topical therapy, oral therapy or a combination of one or...
Onychomycosis is a common nail...
Podiatry Today
Should you use a topical, an oral therapy or a combination of both? This is one of many questions that came up during an intriguing discussion of antifungals. Drawing upon their clinical experience, the panelists discuss their approaches to...
Should you use a topical, an oral therapy or a combination of both? This is one of many questions that came up during an intriguing discussion of antifungals. Drawing upon their clinical experience, the panelists discuss their approaches to...
Should you use a topical, an...
Podiatry Today