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Adele Serio, MSN, RN, RCIS

Competencies in the cath lab are not only necessary for staff proficiency and safety of the patient, but also for the protection of the institution. In reality, no one exactly practices the old adage “see one, do one, teach one”, but...
Competencies in the cath lab are not only necessary for staff proficiency and safety of the patient, but also for the protection of the institution. In reality, no one exactly practices the old adage “see one, do one, teach one”, but...
Competencies in the cath lab are...
EP Lab Digest
The Vascular Center of Colorado (VCC) recently engaged in a successful agreement to purchase coronary drug eluting stents (DES) with a market share commitment to a single vendor.
The Vascular Center of Colorado (VCC) recently engaged in a successful agreement to purchase coronary drug eluting stents (DES) with a market share commitment to a single vendor.
The Vascular Center of Colorado...
Cath Lab Digest
Cath Lab Management
It is through years of frustration and inability to maintain optimal employee skills in all service lines that a successful competency program was developed. 
It is through years of frustration and inability to maintain optimal employee skills in all service lines that a successful competency program was developed. 
It is through years of...
Cath Lab Digest
Our History Transitioning From Private Labs to Hospitals Adele Serio, RN, RCIS, has been employed at Colorado Heart Institute (CHI) for 20 years. CHI originally opened its doors in 1987, built by a group of entrepreneurs who could envision...
Our History Transitioning From Private Labs to Hospitals Adele Serio, RN, RCIS, has been employed at Colorado Heart Institute (CHI) for 20 years. CHI originally opened its doors in 1987, built by a group of entrepreneurs who could envision...
Our History Transitioning From...
Cath Lab Digest