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Adel Aminian, MD

ABSTRACT: Longitudinal stent deformation is a recently described complication of percutaneous coronary intervention and is the result of modifications to the stent design that have reduced the number of connectors, reducing longitudinal stent...
ABSTRACT: Longitudinal stent deformation is a recently described complication of percutaneous coronary intervention and is the result of modifications to the stent design that have reduced the number of connectors, reducing longitudinal stent...
ABSTRACT: Longitudinal stent...
Journal of Invasive Cardiology
Tips and Techniques
FULL TITLE: Small Balloon Inflation Over a Jailed Wire as a Bailout Technique in a Case of Abrupt Side Branch Occlusion During Provisional Stenting ABSTRACT: During provisional stenting of a bifurcation lesion, recrossing into the side...
FULL TITLE: Small Balloon Inflation Over a Jailed Wire as a Bailout Technique in a Case of Abrupt Side Branch Occlusion During Provisional Stenting ABSTRACT: During provisional stenting of a bifurcation lesion, recrossing into the side...
FULL TITLE: Small Balloon...
Journal of Invasive Cardiology
Radial Access Technique
Abstract: Anatomic variations during transradial (TR) procedures are relatively common and represent a significant cause of technical failure, even for experienced radial operators. In this study, we present an interesting alternative...
Abstract: Anatomic variations during transradial (TR) procedures are relatively common and represent a significant cause of technical failure, even for experienced radial operators. In this study, we present an interesting alternative...
Abstract: Anatomic variations...
Journal of Invasive Cardiology
Original Contribution
The transradial access (TRA) currently represents the access site of choice in PCI, but complex anatomy could lead to complications and access-site crossover. The assisted-tracking techniques described in the past (such as balloon-assisted...
The transradial access (TRA) currently represents the access site of choice in PCI, but complex anatomy could lead to complications and access-site crossover. The assisted-tracking techniques described in the past (such as balloon-assisted...
The transradial access (TRA)...
Journal of Invasive Cardiology
Feasibility and Safety of Performing Complex Coronary Interventions by Distal Radial Artery Using the Railway Sheathless Vascular System
The aim of this clinical study is to assess the feasibility and safety of the 7 Fr Railway sheathless access system (Cordis Corporation) for complex PCI using distal radial artery access.
The aim of this clinical study is to assess the feasibility and safety of the 7 Fr Railway sheathless access system (Cordis Corporation) for complex PCI using distal radial artery access.
The aim of this clinical study...
Journal of Invasive Cardiology