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Christine Gerula, MD

Case Report
ABSTRACT: High-risk cardiac patients, especially those with severe coronary artery disease, are prone to ischemic, arrhythmic and heart failure complications during urgent or emergent noncardiac surgery. The American and European guidelines...
ABSTRACT: High-risk cardiac patients, especially those with severe coronary artery disease, are prone to ischemic, arrhythmic and heart failure complications during urgent or emergent noncardiac surgery. The American and European guidelines...
ABSTRACT: High-risk cardiac...
Journal of Invasive Cardiology
Original Contribution
ABSTRACT: Background. Ectopic origin of the right coronary artery (RCA) occurs in ≈1.0% of studied populations. We investigated the prevalence and location of ectopic RCAs among patients undergoing coronary angiography (CA) and assessed its...
ABSTRACT: Background. Ectopic origin of the right coronary artery (RCA) occurs in ≈1.0% of studied populations. We investigated the prevalence and location of ectopic RCAs among patients undergoing coronary angiography (CA) and assessed its...
ABSTRACT: Background. Ectopic...
Journal of Invasive Cardiology