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Guilherme V. Silva, MD

Original Contribution
Conventional angiography is the gold standard in clinical practice for diagnosing atherosclerotic compromise of the coronary artery tree. However, coronary angiography has several known limitations, including a lack of correlation between the...
Conventional angiography is the gold standard in clinical practice for diagnosing atherosclerotic compromise of the coronary artery tree. However, coronary angiography has several known limitations, including a lack of correlation between the...
Conventional angiography is the...
Journal of Invasive Cardiology
Original Contribution
In this study, the authors assessed the vessel-healing pattern of the sirolimus-eluting Inspiron DES using serial optical coherence tomography, assuming that this thin-strut, biodegradable-polymer DES promotes a faster healing.
In this study, the authors assessed the vessel-healing pattern of the sirolimus-eluting Inspiron DES using serial optical coherence tomography, assuming that this thin-strut, biodegradable-polymer DES promotes a faster healing.
In this study, the authors...
Journal of Invasive Cardiology