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Oleg Knyazev

BACKGROUND: Patients with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) experienced more frequent development of Clostridial infection and much higher rates of morbidity and mortality compared to pati...
BACKGROUND: Goal: To identify the relationship between the level of immunoglobulins G and E and the development of adverse reaction (AR) in patients with ulcerative colitis (U...
BACKGROUND: Tofacitinib is a selective immunosuppressant, the first representative of the inhibitors of the janus kinase family, which has high selectivity against other kinas...
BACKGROUND: The objectives of the treatment of patients with ulcerative colitis (UC) in accordance with the STRIDE-I provision, involves endoscopic healing of the colon mucosa...
BACKGROUND: Crohn's disease (CD) in the form of terminal ileitis occurs in approximately 1/3 of CD patients and is often complicated by the formation of ileum stricture or ileocecal ...