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Heather Keller, PhD, RD, FDC, FCAHS , MSc

Practical Research
Long-term care residents are often undernourished, increasing their risk of morbidity and mortality and decreasing their quality of life. 
Long-term care residents are often undernourished, increasing their risk of morbidity and mortality and decreasing their quality of life. 
Long-term care residents are...
Annals of Long-Term Care
Practical Research
A culture change is occurring as providers move from care philosophies based on reductionist, biomedical models towards person-centered practices.
A culture change is occurring as providers move from care philosophies based on reductionist, biomedical models towards person-centered practices.
A culture change is occurring as...
Annals of Long-Term Care
Practical Research
The purpose of this study was to determine resident and family member priorities for improvements to promote food and fluid intake in long-term care and to compare them with the previously published priorities of experts and health care...
The purpose of this study was to determine resident and family member priorities for improvements to promote food and fluid intake in long-term care and to compare them with the previously published priorities of experts and health care...
The purpose of this study was to...
Annals of Long-Term Care